I just spoke to Mary Jane and found out that the Navy is arriving now with food and supplies for 5,000 people. LHM will become a distribution point for the village. The Navy has asked Andris and Mary Jane to help with other mission contacts in the area to distribute supplies to more areas in need.
Thanks to the many people who have contacted government agencies, the US military and aid organizations on behalf of LHM. There will still be a great need for food, water and supplies over the weeks and months, so all aid deliveries that are eventually made will be welcomed and well used.
On a sad note, the one student who lost his life in the earthquake was a 4 year old pre-school student. He was not a sponsored student. I know that all of you who sponsor a student have been concerned about the child you sponsor. The rest of the students are ok, although most have lost their homes.
Waiting for God's timing is sometimes difficult, but we have a God who works on our behalf.  Isaiah 64:4 "Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for Him."
Mark Breading 

visit http://www.livinghopehaiti.org to learn about Living Hope Ministries in Haiti
    Mary Jane and Andris - The directors at Living Hope Ministries
    Living Hope Ministries in Haiti is a Christian mission organization near Carrefour, Haiti that operates a primary school, trade school, entrepreneurship program, and a church. living Hope (LHM) is about 2 miles from the epicenter of the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that hit Hiti January 12th, 2010. God has providentially proctected LHM in the midst of the devastation so the mission will have a large roll in the coming months in sharing God's word in love and action. 

    There are 3 primary ways you can help the people of Haiti - prayer, financial contributions, and donation of material goods. One Hundred percent of the contributions will go to Haiti. The money contributed will provide jobs and income to local Haitian Staff (40 people) and Haitian construction workerswho will be hired for repare and constructions of buildings on the LHM campus. 

    To make a donation send a check payable to: Christ community Church-- 
    earmarked for Haiti Relief. 

    Send checks to:
    Christ Community Church
    1382 Halon Young Rd.
    Liberty, KY 42539 

    For more information go to LHM website

    Thank You for your prayer and support.


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